
Assure24’s IT monitoring solutions are very affordable and are very low compared with the costs associated with traditional implementations. If you want to learn more about our service costs then get in touch for a chat and we will discuss the pricing for your requirements.

Instant ROI

We have invested in resilient servers, hosting centres, resilient Internet links and scalable software so you don’t have to.

Your subscription covers the service delivery, maintenance of the agent and support.

The installation of the agent is simple:  there’s no lengthy implementation, and we have spent time and effort making the IT monitoring portal and reports user friendly and intuitive.

All you pay for is the subscription fee for the servers, devices and processes you are monitoring which you are either charging as a separate service or building into the cost of a support contract resulting in instant ROI.

Special Pricing

Everyone likes a discount and we like to give them (we really do) when one or all of the following elements are present:

  • Upfront payments, quarterly or annual
  • Longer term contracts
  • Volume